piccalilli_’s avatarpiccalilli_’s Twitter Archive—№ 14,663

    1. I've replaced the live chat on devpal.io with a HTML form. This is because over the last 6 months, the increase of anon users either asking if it's a bot or just saying “hi” have gone through the roof. It also relied on JavaScript. Not anymore!
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
    It’s also nice to remove a tracking and surveillance device from the site. The chat service was great, but the metrics I could see were unnecessary. It also mislead users. Bonus: the site is now a test zone for Stalfos V2, so it's a bit rough around the edges 😬
    1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
      Also, Netlify forms feel like cheating. A glorious service!