piccalilli_’s avatarpiccalilli_’s Twitter Archive—№ 48,966

    1. 📣 I’ve just published the first premium, paid-for tutorial on Piccalilli and it is *huge*. Over 4.5k words and you will learn so much about all sorts of front-end development stuff. Get it 30% cheaper for $7 *today only* using the code FIRST_PREMIUM_TUT piccalil.li/premium/build-a-fully-responsive-progressively-enhanced-burger-menu
  1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
    Stuff you will learn includes HTML, CSS, a11y, finite state, CUBE CSS, progressive enhancement and web components. Supporters Club members get this for *free* too. Join today, here: piccalil.li/membership
    1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
      Lastly, video in first tweet shows a webpage with a bright red/pink header which based on browser size, toggles between a standard navigation and burger menu. The burger menu is toggled in various states.