piccalilli_’s avatarpiccalilli_’s Twitter Archive—№ 51,464

      1. 2% of 10,000 is 200 which is a lot of people, even on a low traffic site. Just an FYI, I haven’t really worried about IE on sites built with progressive enhancement at the foundation because it just works for those users. It works for *all* users. TheRealNooshu/1372903377290596358
    1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
      I just don’t get why progressive enhancement is snubbed so often. It’s like the perfect way to build stuff for the web. It’s almost like there’s privilege, deep-rooted in the industry or something.
  1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
    To answer the common “well how do I use css custom properties with progressive enhancement”? Why *are* you using them? Are you using them because you don’t want Sass? Are you using them to have contextual, computed values? For the latter, you can do that only when needed.
    1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
      If you really don’t want to use Sass or whatnot, you don’t have to tokenise all of your CSS. CSS is a super forgiving language, so you can lean into the free tools, like the cascade, or even generate utility classes like CUBE CSS: cube.fyi