piccalilli_’s avatarpiccalilli_’s Twitter Archive—№ 54,732

  1. A single ethereum transaction uses 173.8 kWh of power, which to offset, takes about 2 trees, grown from seed for 10 years to offset, so please, Poolsuite, tell us how you are going to make a “carbon neutral NFT campaign”?
    1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
      1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
        This climate crisis isn’t going away and hell, the big emitters are doing the *vast* amount of damage, but with clowns like this emitting *so much* for *so little* is a real moral-beater. Like, what is the point in trying, seriously.
        1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
          Looking at that tailwind NFT stuff, they are selling 500 of them. Excuse my ignorance, potentially, but that’s 1000 transactions. One to mint and one to sell, each. 173,800 KWh 2000 trees from seed for 10 years. What the fuck.
          1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
            Like, excuse me for being a so-called “designosaur” * but spare me ur web3 bullshit until you can prove it’s not a massive net loss for the planet * yes this a legit term the cryptolads use LOL
            1. …in reply to @piccalilli_
              Anyway I can’t wait to explain to my kids that their future was destroyed but don’t worry, some tech dudes got super rich from selling shit monkey drawings to each other which cost more than a modest house costs to run for nearly a week.