something that makes publishing and web mentions completely effortless where you can subscribe to ur m8s, that looks absolutely banging has got to be a winner hasn’t it right now it’s just a bit too nerdy to be easy tho imo has to be free too really
…in reply to @piccalilli_
i absolutely don’t think mastodon fits this either. it’s way too overwhelming I’ve tried it a few times over the years and consider myself pretty tech literate but it just doesn’t stick
…in reply to @piccalilli_
the publishing thing has jamstack written all over it. but jamstack is just a bit too nerdy too, unless you stitch together other tech I’d say WordPress would be ideal but servers ‘n stuff (although .com let’s you have custom themes now I think) feels like there’s a huge gap rn
…in reply to @piccalilli_
this is why ur twitters, ur instagrams and ur tumblrs work so well: they’re effortless